Sunday, September 3, 2023

Practice Blog Post: Aman Daoud, Introducing my-self.

Practice Blog Post: Aman Daoud, Introducing my-self. 

Hello Everyone, welcome to my Blogs.

My name is Aman. I am 21 years old. I have two sisters and one brother. My old sister is living in New York. And my others siblings are here with my parents. 

I love to eat specially now because I am pregnant, so I am eating every two hours, lol. This is my first child ever. I am having a little girl, I am looking for beautiful name to name her when she arrive to the world, but could not find one until now, any cute girls names?! 

About my hobbies, I like to swim. And I also love to do my homework so early even before the due date but I don't, I always wait until last moment to summit my homework, which is a thing I want to work and fix in my life. 

Whatever, I am studying to be a Nurse, this is my first year at GCC. But, I did studied before to be MA in Brookline College. So, in 5 years I hope I will be a nurse. 

My expectations about this course is to pass it at least with a B, hopefully. 

In addition, I don't consider myself a writer because I like to speak better than writing, however, when I write I can write good things to make a beautiful paragraph. But when I speak I feel I can make people understand me better than when I write. 

Nice to meet you guys all, and good luck for all of us. 


  1. Thanks for introducing yourself, and congratulations on your pregnancy! I'm not very good at picking names, but I'm sure you'll find a wonderful one!

    1. Thank youuuu! I am sure I will, thanks again.

  2. Oh wow ! Congratulations ! You're going to be a great mother! I can already tell. A cute baby name I can think of is Alicia. To be honest I haven't heard of many Alicias so I feel the name isn't that common. I do feel you on the submitting homework last minute part. Sometimes I can get work turned in 2 days before and sometimes I'm literally within 30 minutes of the due date time trying to get an assignment done. I'm so glad you're in this class, I can't wait to hear more from you! - Emily F.

    1. Thank youuuu! I will because I love babies, LOL
      I thought about that name but as you said it is not that common name. I like your name by the way. Thank you Emily! Nice to meet you!

  3. Hi Aman, congrats on your pregnancy! That's so exciting! I'm currently doing my homework a little late right now, wishing I did it sooner. I completely know what you mean by feeling better at conversations compared to writing. It's so much easier to say things within the moment rather than having to overthink it! -Nicole Dubek

  4. Hello, Thanks Nicole! I know, that's right.
    Thank you by the way! And nice to meet you!


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