Sunday, September 24, 2023

Entry #1: What do I know about Blogs.

Blogs are websites that typically run by an individual or small group that is written in an informal style. Most of the blogs are written in a conversational style to reflect the personal views and voice of the bloggers. And some of business blogs were written to connect with target audiences and sell products. From my opinion, the most blogs I have read are personal blogs. I do like to read fun stuff sometimes. 

The Anatomy of a Perfect Blog Post - Salesforce Canada Blog What is a Blog? Understanding Blogs, Blogging and Bloggers (2023)

The first blog I read and liked is called "Sunday Sweets: It's Fall, Y'all." I liked it, it was fun to read this type of blogs. The most thing that I liked about this blog is that they are talking about fall season and also about sweets which is not my favorite, but I love to eat plain cakes. Vanilla flavors only, or chocolate. Sweets and fall season are beautiful things to talk about, specially that both have colorful colors. ""


The other blog that I read is called "Our Story." When I was reading this blog I remembered my childhood, and my family and relatives. I love family and I love to be in a family. I mean this blog is just cute to read and how it came big thing at the end. Family is everything in life, or in the other hand, FAMILY is LIFE. 


5 Things I Have Learned About Family


The last but not least blog I read is called "Science of People - Best Business Improvement Blog." I did not like this blog, I mean I read it but did not liked it. I don't like to read anything about business stuff or topics. Not just business, also news, work, any type of boring stuff. I thing the stuff I mentioned are so boring to read about, that's for me! I like to work in business and have a job, but not my favorite to read in my relaxing time. I love funny, beautiful views, Beauty, or girls stuff to read about. So, I kind of enjoyed reading this blog a little bit, but not that much. 


Business blog, Science of People, home page with woman standing on the stage motivating audience.



  1. Good look blog Amam, you put a lot of work into this blog, it has a lot of content.


Entry#7: "Social Media."

Social media has a lot of issues, such as the chance for cyberbullying and an unhealthy relationship with the online world. Social media usa...