Sunday, December 3, 2023

Entry#7: "Social Media."

Social media has a lot of issues, such as the chance for cyberbullying and an unhealthy relationship with the online world. Social media usage has grown to be an important form of fun. People can look throughout interesting pictures or watch videos on websites like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube. Those who are looking for fast, cheap, or easy ways to have fun got something from this. 

Unknown Social Media Sites for Your Business. - Vici Media

Foe me, I have spent a lot of time on social media. Since I was 15 years old. At first, I was on Facebook. There were a lot conversations between people on Facebook when I first joined it. I don't believe Facebook or the media generally was very difficult at the time about what individuals posted, so I was exposed to a lot of sad stuff at a very young age. I'm happy to see that there has been a change in what is given. I have used a lot of social media apps, including, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Telegram, , and many more. I feel myself to be a seasoned media person.  Having said that, I've noticed a lot of media changes. 

The Biggest Social Media Trends in 2023

1 comment:

  1. Yo are so right about social media being unhealthy. Especially for a younger audience. I've tried to cut back on it only to find myself scrolling through tik tok.


Entry#7: "Social Media."

Social media has a lot of issues, such as the chance for cyberbullying and an unhealthy relationship with the online world. Social media usa...